Monday, March 25, 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 and Compiz Desktop Cube

The best installation guide I've seen for configuring the Compiz Desktop Cube is which is for 12.10, but with a couple of warnings below works fine in 13.04.

  1. Close everything else before following the instructions - restarting a real possibility.
  2. Enable Rotate Cube, not Desktop Cube.  Enabling Rotate Cube will ask you if you'd also like Desktop Cube.  Enabling Desktop Cube first locked up my window system.
  3. Don't click on the Workspace Switcher until after everything else has settled down! I haven't tried this multiple times to figure out exactly what happens, but it hasn't been good.

The summary (if you've already watched the video) with my personal settings:

  1. Close all windows / applications
  2. sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins compiz-plugins-extra
  3. Start the CompizConfig Settings Manager
  4. Under General -> General Options -> Desktop Size:
    • Horizontal Virtual Size: 4
    • Vertical Virtual Size: 1
    • Number of Desktops: 4
  5. Desktop -> Select Rotate Cube, allow Desktop Cube to be enabled
  6. Desktop -> Desktop Cube -> Appearance: Set the Top & Bottom to something compatible with your background
  7. Desktop -> Desktop Cube -> Transparent Cube:
    • Set both Opacity fields to 50%
    • Clear Transparency Only on Mouse Rotate
  8. Desktop -> Rotate Cube -> Bindings -> Rotate Cube -> Initiate: Button1
  9. Desktop -> Rotate Cube -> General -> Zoom: 0.3

Edit 26 Mar 2013: I've toned down the comments about the Workspace Switcher.  After a reboot it now behaves as before installing Compiz Settings Manager.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ubuntu and sensitive touchpads

My current environment is a MacBook Air 13". The hardware is great, light, fast, good battery life and big touchpad. Unfortunately my typing style means that I'm continuously putting my palm close enough to the touchpad to change input focus. I tried to change the sensitivity with gpointing-device-settings however it didn't suit my needs.

Enter touchpad-indicator: It sits in the background and disables the touchpad whenever a mouse is plugged in, and re-enables it when the mouse is unplugged. For me this is a much better solution as it completely removes the problem of accidental mouse clicks, and I use the mouse automatically if it is available.

The current version seems to have a timing problem that causes it to miss mouse-remove events (see Bug #1111784), and doesn't handle the mouse being plugged in or out when the laptop is suspended. I've created a branch that resolves both of these issues at:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Congratulations Canonical

Congratulations to everyone at Canonical!

After installing Ubuntu 13.04 daily build on two machines over the last week or so, a VirtualBox VM and MacBook Air, and using it as my primary environment for the last few days, my stats are:

Packages and libraries installed via apt-get:21
Packages and libraries built from source code:10
Number of issues / crashes:0

And the new icons are shiny as well. :-)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Canon iP4200 grayscale printing fails

Printing to my Canon Pixma iP4200 has never worked properly in Ubuntu 12.04 and its finally got to the point where I decided to do something about it.

My preferred default settings are grayscale, two-sided, and it looks like I've been bitten by a bug with grayscale printing.  The result is either a row of dots near the top of the page, or a group of dots further down the page.  The effect is similar to what would happen on an old ribbon printer when the ribbon was dry or running out of ink, you can see that it's trying to print letters, but they're unreadable.

Ubuntu 12.04 uses gutenprint 5.2.8-pre1 and the bug appears to be specific to that version as I've been able to work around the issue in two separate ways:

  1. Manually install the 5.0.1 driver from
  2. Build the 5.2.8 driver from and manually replace the link to

Obviously neither of these are ideal.  What I'd like is one of a patch for gutenprint 5.2.8-pre1 that fixes the problem, or supported upgrade to 5.2.8 or 5.2.9.

I've submitted a bug report: Bug #1151207 @ Launchpad.

10 Mar 2013: And a post in Ubuntu Forums: Re: Cups seems broken under 12.04 LTS...

Blog Reboot

My blog has obviously been languishing with only a few posts.

Time for a reboot, with a focus on "Adventures with Ubuntu".

I'll be using this as a bit of a log of tips, tricks and resolving issues in Ubuntu, starting with some printing problems I'm having in Ubuntu 12.04.  The goals are:

  1. Have a place to log what I've done so I can reproduce it in future.
  2. Hopefully help others that are having similar problems.
  3. Maybe get some assistance back.